Our Driver Education Course is designed for first-time drivers with little to no driving experience. It is designed to be a team effort between students, parents, and instructors with common goals and benchmarks throughout the entire process. With the involvement of all parties, efforts are combined to develop good driving habits and a basis for continued learning throughout a lifetime.
The course is held three (3) days a week for two (2) hours a day. A final exam follows 15 classroom sessions. Information covered includes:
- Uniting driver and vehicle
- Getting ready to drive
- Signs, signals, & roadway markings
- Rules of the road
- Perception, searching, & zones
- Communication, interacting courteously, & intersections
- Knowing where you are
- You are in control
- Line of sight and path of travel
- Intersections
- Time and space
- Interacting with others
- And much more
Throughout the class students will do six (6) drives as a driver and observers. Students must have an Instruction Permit before the second class and the beginning of the drives. Permit knowledge testing is available through our office (See DOL Testing Page) on a scheduled basis.